Lean methodology trainer
- Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
- Production scheduling (Material flow, PFEP, EPEI, distribution route, etc.)
- Day-to-day management system (DMS, TLBO, Quality Tools)
- Business process management (Maturity matrix, process mapping)
Digital Transformation Specialist
- Smart Industry Technologies
- Internet of Industrial Connected Objects (IIoT) (machine connectivity and industrial robotics)
- Technologies to support the “Customer Journey”
Experienced Hands-On Tools Practitioner
- 5S, Waste, Kanban
- Factory layout & workstation
- Workstation ergonomics
- Kaizen (Quality, 3P, 5S, etc…)
- Problem solving (A3)
Data Analysis & Management Dashboards
- Business Intelligence (BI) | IT tools (Power BI, Zoho Analytics)
- Big data analysis
- Centralized and computerized management dashboards (connectivity of management systems)
- Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
- Lean Level Scheduling
- Demand Driven Material Requirement Planning (DDMRP)
- DD Planner Pro
- DD Leader Pro
- TGV1 Composites
- G.B. Électrique
- Avizo Experts-Conseils
- Over 40 successful kaizen